Thursday, September 23, 2010

Beastie Boys

I want this blog to be enjoyable. I don't want all my blogs to be super deep and heavy. Part of life is laughing and enjoying stories (which is one of my favorite past times of friends from home, just simply sitting around talking about stupid, yet totally awesome, stuff we did when we were in High School).

Any, this blog is really about Girls, but I thought that if I made that the title you would just roll your eyes back (like we did to our parents when we were 8 and they were making us brush our teeth, or 22 and having our mom still tell us this) and say "oh gosh, another boy blogging about girls". I didn't want that to happen because it's completely true. And by writing this paragraph I simply delayed that reaction until you read the first sentence.

If it makes you feel any better and makes you any more likely to read this, this blog is really about my roommates.

My roommates lives pretty much revolve around women. Not in the bad way like they are always dating one, but in the pathetic way like they are desperately trying to find one to like them to date them. If any news comes by the apartment about a girl liking one of them it turns into a sort of awkward celebration. The one that cracks me up the most is named Johnny Bananas (yes I had to use the song Hollaback girl to spell bananas, but who doesn't!) His real name is John Baggerman (facebook stalk him please) and he got the name Johnny Bananas because during Jersey shore a commercial told us to text a name this a certain number and they would give us a guido name for him, so we did. I don't know what bananas had to with his name but he is now Johnny Bananas, or JBB ((John+Baggerman+Bananas) but seriously, facebook him, it would be hilarious, and yes I double parenthesized that).

He gets the ladies left and right (mostly because freshman girls love upperclassmen, just kidding.... but really). But the kid deserves the attention he gets. He is just an overall cool kid. He loves him some Jesus, plays guitar (who doesn't at a Christian college) and is a pretty fashion savoy kid. The one thing that sticks him with the ladies though is that they for some reason find his paralyzing fear of introducing himself to women and talking to them cute. No really, this fear is serious.

Yet he always has girls following him around, and they always seem to be the ones he really isn't interested in. One of the reasons he is my favorite around the ladies is whenever he says he is going anywhere. I always just ranting about how he is going out to meet with some lady and he gets redder than Lindsey Lohan at..... well I probably shouldn't go there. Anyway. He just gets beat red and it cracks me up that a guy who wants a girl and talks about girls so much can't stand the thought of talking to an attractive women without freaking out.

Well that's all I have to say about the infamous JBB. Please talk to him randomly on facebook, call him Johnny Bananas and compliment his sweet dance moves.

Vivre dans l'amour et la paix,


Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'ĂȘtre aimĂ©.

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