Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm Back?


So I think i'm going to be blogging again. Getting my thoughts out there for friends to see and maybe because I find it cathartic. I am aware that I haven't posted anything in years and if this is your primary way of listening in to my life, you have a lot of catching up to do. I won't recap the past few years partially because I wouldn't know how or where to start but mostly because that would be ridiculous.

Where to start then....

Well, I graduate in December. This is something that I have been looking forward to for some time now. I have longed to do something with my life. It has, in all honesty, been a very painful 2 years simply because I can't sit still. I love the classes I have taken and I have learned alot about God and Biblical living and life and relationships and about myself, don't get me wrong. Yet it kills me to sit in a classroom. I feel as if I am wasting life away. I would rather be on an adventure, living out of a backpack, traveling, experiencing new things, speaking to new people in foreign languages, climbing, mountaineering, helping people. I feel as if college has been 4 years to learn about stuff that hasn't really put you in a direction. As if it were preparing you nothing. As seniors in college my friends and I are constantly asked what we are going to do after we graduate, to which we all reply "I have no idea". Shouldn't college have directed us somewhere? I'm sure it has for a lot of people, but for people who don't know what they want to do, and the goal isn't to make money but to live a fulfilling and happy life, college is the definition to purgatory.

Yet, as I said earlier, college has not been a waste. I have met great people and experienced some really awesome things in my life and learned countless lessons on community and life with people. I have learned so much about the God of the Bible, a God who isn't Greek and emotionless, but a God who is relational, constantly with his creation, and deeply in love with idiots. I have studied the world, anthropology, Islam, the Qur'an, Ethnography and how to love other cultures. I have grown in my fascination with the world and the people in it (only spurring my passion to explore it). I have learned about the difficulties of bringing our faith to some cultures, bringing medicine to some cultures, and separating what is American and what is Jesus.

These lessons have caused me to love nature, and love the world around me. It has guided me to my current passions of climbing, slacklining, mountains, languages, and the middle-east. I love these things because the end result is relational. I could love business, and the end result be money, success, fame, power, or pride. Yet mountaineers and climbers are, as Lionel Terray calls them "Conquistadors of the useless". The end result is useless, you gain nothing material from it. The reward comes from learning about creation, about yourself, and experiencing great things with others. Although it can be done, climbing should not be done alone. To be done safely, you need other people, or at least one other: Community.

When I write I try and convey some sort of lesson or something that I have learned to anyone who would read it. I don't think I did with this one and I apologize for that. This blog is an intro back into writing and exposing my life, and so I decided to simply flesh out my thoughts on where I'm at right now.

I plan on leaving you with something to invest in after each blog. Whether that be a book, song, or movie, I will try and expose you to some of the things that have changed me in some way.

My 2 cents:

Movie: 180 degrees south

(you can find and get this movie via netflixs if you have it)

Vivre dans l'amour et la paix,


Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'ĂȘtre aimĂ©.

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