Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bad Latte

One of the things that have been thinking about for a while now has been being lukewarm. Not that I truly fear this, because I know my heart desires God and my life is for Him; nevertheless, I constantly think about what that means. I mean this is a serious question because God cannot stand those who are lukewarm. In Revelations it talks about how he actually spits those who are lukewarm out of His mouth "like a latte that isn't iced or hot, just lukewarm", as Francis Chan puts it. What it truly looks like to be complacent. I mean, if Christ is all that is not lukewarm, how would that translate into today? I don't think Jesus would spend much time watching t.v. or on the computer or facebook. Would He have a job? Would it be in ministry? Martin Luther talks about how a shoemaker is just as religious as the priest. If he wholeheartedly makes those shoes with the all his God given skills, he is doing just as a holy job as the priest.

Maybe I'm ignorant, but I really think their is a flaw in that thinking. I don't think if someone is good at making shirts, he should lock himself in the mountains and make shirts. Life is more than shirts and shoes. As of now, I am not convinced that we can make a shoe for someone, let them take it back, and really please God. I'm sure God delights in our hard work for Him, but if there is anything I have learned this year and summer, is that God is extremely communal. The Bible was not meant to be read and kept to yourself. We are commanded to love our neighbor, love our enemies, pray together, praise togther, and break bread together. Most of the Bible was written for Groups of people, not indiviuals.

I've really been chewing on 2 Corinthians 1 for a while now. I must have read it over a month ago, and I can't keep my mind off of it. It talks about Pauls sufferings and how we share in Christ's suffering and are comforted in our pain through that, and that we are supposed to share our sufferings in order that we may pass that comfort on to someone else who is going through trial. Paul is so raw and real here in the beginning of the letter. The Bible is about living for God together, we are a body aren't we?

Anyway, back to my point: i really, honestly, believe America put us into this indiviual Jesus, true for me, not for you, all ways lead to heaven crap into our heads. Jesus is a challenge, He always has been. God challenged Israel, His chosen people, to live set apart from those who didn't worship Him. The BIG picture of the old testament isn't what God did through moses, or david, but Israel, as a group Beloved's in love with their Lover. Christ was the same challenge, it's clear with all the talk about hating your brother making you a lier to the Gospel (I know that's John, but he got it from Jesus I'm sure) and "By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:35).

I don't know what Jesus would look like or what job He would have but I know He would love and encourage community, and wouldn't have a room or apartment to Himself, He would put as many people in it as possible, and pay for all of them. He would always want people together, living to love others, along with God. Living the His instructions out, step by step with His brothers and sisters, to encourage them, rebuke them, and teach them. So in order to not be "that latte" that's what I'm going to do. I am no where near perfect, as anyone who knows me; i can be a real idiot sometimes, but I want to live with Him, and I want companions along for the ride.

Andrew Music Exchange:

So my friend are seeing who can come out with the best music each week, his this week is The Robbie Seay Band , they are really amazing. I am going to recommend someone a little different, more for the laid back listeners, not that Robbie Seay isn't that. Andy Mckee is hands down the greatest finger picker of our time and is an amazing musician. "Art of motion", "Rylynn" is also amazing and he is well known for his song "Drifting". check him out and I hope you enjoy!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Thoughts as of late

I'm sorry i haven't written anything lately (even thought i'm really not sure anyone reads this). I have just been really the past month with school and papers and just getting things set for the summer, and now that summer as arrived and my job doesn't start until June, I have all the time world to record my thoughts.

So lately I have really just been enjoying home. I have been sitting around for the most part, just trying to get into the right patterns for the summer like reading my Bible daily and getting in some good time of prayer. It's been nice to not have school to worry about, really anything to worry about for the most part. Also I have been having great conversations with the people around me lately. I haven't even been home a week and I've already had two great night of conversations. One was the first couple hours I was home we started talking about predestination and free will and our own devravity and choosing God. That was a great night, then I had one last night with some of my friends who have graduated or are doing grad work; we talked about just big issues that seem to come up. Changing God's mind (Ex. 30), God's regret (1 Sa 15:11, Gen 6:6-7), God's suprise (Gen 6:5), how God can be omnipotent, yet hell is the absense of God's presence, and the biggest one was talking about whether it was okay for Rahab to lie, which lead us to the question: If you were in Germany in 1941 and hiding Jews and the Nazi's asked if you were hiding Jews, would it be okay to lie.

I really don't know the answer to some of these questions, I have worked them out the best i could, but with some of them I really don't know. Now I have an opinion, but i'm definatly open to that being wrong. It's just been really satisfying intellecually, socially and spiritually. It's just been a great way to be home and those issues have been floating around my head a lot.

Also, another big thing in my life, and if you read this, i would love your input; I am really considering doing stint (one year trip) to St. Petersburg Russia with Campus Crusade in August of '09. Now I know your probably saying to yourself, "drew, that's more than a year away, I really don't think you have to worry about it yet". Well my friend, do i have news for you then. See Tim (my leader) wants to have a core group by August, and a definate number of people by Thanksgiving. That's a major decision to make within the next couple months! So I would ask for your prayer and counsel. I think it would be so awesome, but I just don't know, i have this thing, i don't know how to describe it, holding me back, saying you should just do what everyone else is doing. But i know this opportunity is so rare. I also want to make sure I have the right motives because I don't want to go simply because I love Russia and the people I know in Russia.

I hope to be writing more about what God is doing and teaching me soon, so please keep reading!