Friday, December 10, 2010

Why We Hide


(ps, if some of this doesn't make sense, it's because I wrote it at 2 am. my apologies)

I don't know. This might seem weird to some of you that read this. Over the past 7 months I have been studying Micro-expressions. These are expressions on the face that cannot be controlled, only concealed slightly if you try hard. The more emotional or unstable the person is, the more likely these will leak when they are trying to be concealed. Their are seven universal emotions that people show: anger, happiness, sadness, contempt, surprise, fear, and disgust. When someone says one thing and the micro expression shows another, that person is trying to deceive you, or is lying to you about how they feel. There are three main area's to look at when you are looking for these expressions: the area of the eyes (eyelids, the outside part of the eyes, and eyebrows), the nose, and the mouth.

Why am I telling you this? Well not only have I been studying it on my own for a few months, but I have been studying them academically and very in depth for about 4 months now. I have been doing experiments on PBA students through the school for a psychology class, and have even won a grant from the school to present my findings at the APA (American Psychological Association) conference in Washington D.C. in May. It truly is an honor, privliage and blessing for that to happen to me. I feel like it has been a rather simple and enjoyable process, (though very time consuming) because I enjoy it, so it does not seem that my work would render such a reward, because it did not seem like much work.

Again, why am I telling you this. Well I wanted to give you a lesson. If you are not up to date with the college football world. Cam Newton is all the rage. He is a one of a kind athlete and has done great things on the football field for Auburn this year. Meanwhile, his father has been attracting lots of attention off the field. Cecil Newton, apparently, was involved with a pay-to-play scandal with a recruiting agency to have his son play for another university for cash up front. This is highly illegal and if it was ever brought to light that Cam Newton knew about this and played any part, he would be ineligible to win the heisman trophy, which at this point, he is almost assuredly going to do. His father, knowing the controversy around this, has decided to not go to the heisman ceremony this saturday to support his son, thinking it would cause to much drama. He will not attend the ceremony of his son winning what may be the most coveted college sports trophy. During an interview for ESPN, he is asked how he feels about this, and his face during the last 20 seconds screams sadness. But their is an interesting moment at 2:27 where he says he is his father and he will stand by his decision, and he flashes disgust in his nose and mouth. So check it out for yourself. 2:27

The important thing about micro-expressions is that you shouldn't jump to conclusions. Yes, he could be disgusted with his father, or he could be disgusted at what his father did, or both. We only know that he was disgusted, and we have a context of what it could be, but we can't know for sure (without further questioning).

I bring this up because I find it interesting what people hide, and what may be more interesting is why this hide, behind a fake smile or joke or whatever it may be. I originally Dr. Paul Ekman's book to discover lies. In his book "Emotions Revealed", he discusses the seven emotions, and has about 20 pages on lying. The book is about seeing these in others, and more importantly, seeing them in yourself. It is about understanding emotions and where they come from and what they mean. The book is fascinating, especially someone like myself who doesn't consider himself to be very expressive outwardly.

Since that book I often see these micro-expressions in others, in the news, walking down the street, talking to friends, and often find I am doing something to my face, only to find that I was feeling an emotion I wasn't aware of. This could be because I couldn't put my finger on the name of it, or that I simply wasn't aware (some emotions, like anger, have a way of creeping up on us and even escalating quickly without us even knowing until someone mentions we are upset.)

As I see them I am fascinated why we cover up. Why we don't want the world to see our pain, our sadness, our anger or our disgust. I felt ashamed when I realized I answered a question in a Psychology class that no one else knew and noticed that my face was showing contempt, that I did not realize until I noticed it on my face. I felt ashamed that I felt better than people, or above them for answering a question. I think people think it makes us more enjoyable to be around, if we act as it's okay. Or maybe it's a name-it-and-claim-it kind of attitude. If I simply say or act I feel this way, it will go away.

I wrote a paper in high school, I was a junior at the time; yet, I remember the paper very distinctively. To this day I consider it to be my best and most profound paper. We had just studied some major psychologist and we were told to come up with our own theory on what makes people run, what were they after in life. My answer: people desperately want to be completely and fully known, and still loved. I think we so badly want people to fully know us and understand us, yet we think that if they know to much, and see to much of the crap and filth and muck and sin if you want to call it that, then they will run away, and not accept us. This, in return, would be one of the most painful experiences we could experience, to be made completely vulnerable, and then rejected. So we put a facade, a mask, where we can let bits out, but stay in control of certain things, certain feelings, and certain experiences that might keep people away. We conceal them and seem normal so that they will stay around. We want that closeness but fear it's consequences if rejected. Some people have been bold enough to be vulnerable and have maybe even, sadly, learned through experience that others will not accept that part of them. I understand this dilemma to be the classic situation in which a guy likes a girl, with whom he is great friends with, but does not know if she likes him back (which is why we talk to the best friend to give us the scoop and down low before doing anything, so we can know the result). They are stuck in this situation where they could not say something, and wonder what if, and not risk losing what they have, or put themselves out there and have a chance of being accepted and the feeling reciprocated. Or they could reject it, and the friendship would then change, losing almost everything. I find that this example, though expressing the dilemma, does not express the magnitude. I'm not just talking about feelings. I'm talking about secrets, issues, problems, stories. Things we try to forget.

We want to be completely and fully known, and still loved. This is God's relationship with us, and it's the reason I find my relationship with God so incredibly special and important to me. But it's my theory as to why we hide, and why we lie, and why we take chances to be known. I think there is a lesson to be learned here but I don't want to sound like that was the point of this. We need to love, we need to know what love means first, and the sacrifices, risks, and vulnerably it demands of us. We need to open up to each other, experience what it is like to be loved and to demonstrate that to others back. I truly believe this love would change the world. It changes the lives of those who have found it in Jesus, so why wouldn't it if we could replicate that to others? To those whose experiences have said otherwise, and those who don't just hide behind lies and smiles, but drugs, alcohols, girls, boys, popularity, humor, sports, money, self-image, or sarcasm. You cannot experience this type of love and not change. You cannot experience this type of love and not then seek out to share it with others.

I know this was a super long little tidbit, and it was kinda super serious and deep. But it has been churning in my heart for awhile now, maybe even years. I just thought I would share it, and I would love to hear your thoughts.

Vivre dans l'amour et la paix,


Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The End is Near


The end is near folks. It's a great and glorious thing. I feel so excited I could hold a cardboard sign that say's so and stand on a corner. People probably wouldn't get it though.

I'm graduating. Literally in 17 days, which is 7 days of school and a few finals. It's hard to think that I will go on Christmas break and not come back. I have been going back to school for my whole life. It will be weird to not do that, but I'm excited nonetheless. I'm excited to not take out loans, i'm excited to not have midterms, finals or any sort of exams. I'm excited to see winter again. The more school puts pressure on me now and slams on the assignments now, the more I simply smile at the fact that i'm graduating and that it will be over. The fact that this has been my craziest year of academics ever has only made graduation that much sweeter.

To be completely honest, this blog won't have any deep thoughts or insightful ideas, it's just me saying that I'm alive and proclaiming my joyous news to the internet.

Sadly this is all I really have to say, but look for more posts in a week or so, when I have time to sit down and write one. Okay? good talk.

My 2 cents:

You should be listening to the Charlie Brown Christmas album currently. I am, and if you're not it is a literal crime so get to it: you have been warned.

Vivre dans l'amour et la paix,


Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Running Waters

γειά σου,

So I feel like it's been a really long time since I have written last. I feel that, which is kind of cool that I find this therapeutic and desirable. It has been a while because I have been up to my eyes in schoolwork. I have two papers, totaling about 15 pages due on Thursday in the same class. Yeah. It sucks. But I'm writing this to leave that behind, if not for a second. So I don't want to talk about it. I'm done.

What I really want to talk about is how awesome my weekend was. I went to Orlando and saw lots of my friends from Columbus because one of them was getting married there. It was so great to see everyone and to spend time with people from home, who are laid back, friendly, and love each other. Words really can't describe how great it was to be with them, especially since my life is upside down with school currently. With all that being said, congratulations Chris and Amanda Rule!

One thing that really stuck with me when I was going to Orlando was the thrill of moving. It sounds weird, but I have really been in West Palm for at least 1.5 years, with maybe a month of Columbus shoved in there. I have felt stagnate and stale. It was so good to get in a car and to drive. I travel, to explore. I had directions with me to get their, but honestly I didn't look at them because I didn't care if I got lost. I was actually for it. I was good to be on the road; it made me feel like I was doing something, living, experiencing something. I don't know, maybe this all sounds a little crazy, I mean it was just a 3 hour car ride. But to me, it was hitting the open road. Great weather, my iPod playing great songs I had a gatorade and some bananas' (which became my dinner). It was great.

Often in the Bible moving waters, running waters, and water in general, is a symbol for chaos. For instance, in Genesis, the waters hovered above the earth, chaos was held back. For Noah, the water brought chaos. You see this used the most with the psalmist. Ps. 23, you lead me besides quiet waters (no chaos), ps. 29:3, The voice of the LORD is over the waters (over chaos); the God of glory thunders, the LORD thunders over the might waters. When it talks about quiet waters, it is talking about peace, tranquility, usually inspired by God.

I understand this. My life has been raging waters, splashing in my face left and right. Right when I start to focus on something the waters get rough and life becomes unpredictable and chaotic. I have a hard time staying afloat.

Driving in the car calmed the waters. I enjoyed the adventure, I enjoyed the calmness that was in me. Everyone likes life when it flows and seems effortless. I even prefer some rapids every now and then to keep things interesting. But after a few months of rapids (aka school craziness), it was nice to just drift down stream for a while.

My 2 cents:


The Great Estate by Freelance Whales (great song, kinda built around reincarnation but good)

Vivre dans l'amour et la paix,


Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé.

Monday, October 18, 2010



Last night was kinda crazy for me. I learned that a friend of mine from high school has cancer. Not only is that crazy but the fact that he is younger than me, just makes me sit back and shake my head in disbelief.

I wish I could say this is the first time this has happened, but earlier this year I found out that a friend from here also had cancer. He had brain cancer, a tumor the size of a golf ball pushing against his pituitary gland, most likely causing his recent onset of diabetes, sweaty hands and clubbed fingers. A few months ago he had a very risky (what brain surgery isn't) two part surgery to get rid of the tumor. By the grace of God it went very well. He has been doing great and the second part of his surgery comes up in about a week, which is both nerve racking and also exciting that after this surgery he should be tumor free!

It still strikes me as bizarre though that these things happen. As cliché as it is, it's like how you never expect those things to happen to you. The same I think goes for people you know. It happens to people on t.v. or in the newspaper or someplace, somewhere, far, far away.

While thinking about this I am confronted with my sinful nature. By this I mean that in the past month, a person I know from school started selling shirts that say "Cancer Sucks" and the profits are going to a friend of his, who is also battling cancer. To be honest, for the most part, I see them selling those shirts and I walk by and think "well that's nice" and move on. Almost as if I have amnesia and I forget that I have a friend who just had a tumor removed from his head.
When I heard the news last night, I wanted to do something, and it made me sad to think that I wasn't motivated to help their cause because I didn't have the empathy in my heart.

In systematic Theology, we learned one day about the consequences of sin. They try and boil down the consequences of sin to four categories: 1.Depravity 2. Enslavement 3. Condemnation and finally 4. Alienation. I think the most damage is done in the latter. For instance, my heart was/is concerned about me, and if we want to be gracious it's concerned about the people I know. I alienated it to not feel for people selling caner sucks tee shirts on the green on campus. I don't know the person, and I don't have cancer, why should I get involved? Why should I give?

It breaks my heart that I don't heart for others sometimes. "break my heart for what breaks yours" is a great line from a song that says exactly what I want to change in my life. It's not that I have no empathy, because I feel for the homeless and poor, and people in war and war torn area's. But for some reason, this seemed distant.

My prayer is not that I/we would give money and buy a shirt, because I don't think that's the point and I think it's short sighted (though not bad, don't get me wrong), but that I/we would give our hearts to those in pain, and to see someone and to feel with them, not for them, but with them. The best remedy for this is prayer. Stand in their shoes before God and pray on their behalf. That's the real solution. Pray that God would give us, them, and others perspective. Pray that they we/they would be loved and comforted and that we could be the instrument that brings that.

My 2 cents:

How Deep the Father's Love for Us:

How deep the Father's love for us,
How vast
beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure

How great the pain of searing loss,
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One,
Bring many sons to glory

Behold the Man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocing voice,
Call out among the scoffers

It was my sin that helf Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I knoww that it is finished

I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast inJesus Christ
His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with
all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom

Vivre dans l'amour et la paix,


Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Something clever


So, I was thinking about what to name this post, and I couldn't come up with anything funny and clever or witty that would grab my 2 readers attention. For some reason all I could think of was Admiral Ackbar famous line. If you don't know who or what that is, it's because you're not a dork like me. Or quiet possibly you are just like my roommates and are jealous of my ability to recall some of the greatest movies of the movies of the 90's. Anyway, to some extent I also feel bad for my 2 readers because I think very slowly. I tend to sit on things and process them and that usually takes months. What that means for you is that you have to read about the same issues for about a month at a time and that can be kinda boring since I usually flesh things out and don't write anything too crazy or life changing. Not to mention i'm not very good with words and explaining things so usually I just end up sounding like an idiot.

Anyway, back to Admiral Ackbar.

I feel trapped. I want to graduate and explore and travel and roam and climb mountains and see friends overseas and family and do what I consider to being "living". Yet the world wants me to get a job, get serious about bills and making ends meet and money, and maybe if you're lucky settling down with a girl. This is the case with most Universities and PBA is not an exception. I know at least 10 couples off the top of my head that are married and between the age of 19 and 22. I know 4 that have gotten married in the past 6 months. I know many have plans for right after they graduate, whether it's working in and with a church or going into the business world; they are already set. They have it all planned out, graduate, get that job, get married to finance within 6 months of job. Life after that is on auto-pilot, do that job thing for a few years, get a raise, go to the Christmas party with the co-workers, everyone brings their wives of course. Maybe if you are lucky, show off some pictures of the kids (who are most likely honors students and you have a bumper sticker on your Honda odyssey to prove it.)

That's not what I want. I want to live and explore. As John Muir once wrote: "the mountains are calling and I must go". It's for this reason I want to be a paramedic working out of a hospital: rewarding job that isn't in an office and typical, I save lives and get down and dirty doing it sometimes, and I have days off at a time to do things that I love.

I would be totally fine with be a waiter or dish washer to make ends meet, while saving for my next trip. Living basically trip to trip. Climb to climb. Yet I'm bogged down with expectations of meeting this preset path, and being forced to worry about loans. I'm convinced that's not how life is supposed to be lived. To me that preset path isn't even considered living.

To be honest, the hardest part about this path is that it's lonely. Part of that is appealing to me. Being alone in the mountains and being able to stand in awe and wonder of creation, yet a part of that means living uncomfortably for 99.673% of the human population, which means I would be hard pressed to find company in my adventures. Part of that is settling down. I recently had a conversation with a friend about why we are single (I know, back to girls, what else is new). I came to the conclusion that I simply came to the wrong University to find girls with my interests and passions. This university attracts people who are worried about the beach bod, tan and looking cute. A cousin to the GTL way of living my friends from jersey live. But the other part of the conclusion is that not many people are up for that way of living, and most people who live like that find someone once they settle down and become domesticated and get a real job. The conversation came up because he said he wanted to do an experiment about why middle class men are so lame. I couldn't agree more.

All this to say: Admire Ackbar couldn't be closer to the truth. It's a trap. At least in my book. For most people I suppose finding Jesus in the way I want to live would be miserable and extremely difficult, and I would say the same about the preset path. I would have no idea how or where to find Jesus in their. I don't picture him wearing suits everyday. Though I don't see him camping alone either.

Thanks for trying to enjoy my thoughts and ramblings. Not all who wander are lost.

My 2 cents:

The Imitation of Christ book 2 chapter 11 (the first few sentences alone could challenge you every time you read them) by Thomas A Kempis

Vivre dans l'amour et la paix,


Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Green Eyes


This song has just been on my mind lately, I love it dearly and think it's a fantastic song.

Green Eyes by Coldplay

Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand
And I came here to talk
I hope you understand
The green eyes, yeah the spotlight, shines upon you
And how could, anybody, deny you

I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter now I met you

And honey you should know
That I could never go on without you
Green eyes

Honey you are the sea
Upon which I float
And I came here to talk
I think you should know

The green eyes, you're the one that I wanted to find
And anyone who tried to deny you, must be out of their mind

Because I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter since I met you

Honey you should know
That I could never go on without you

Green eyes, green eyes
Oh oh oh oh

Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand

Vivre dans l'amour et la paix,


Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé.

Monday, September 27, 2010

30 Mile Walk


I have been picking up biking again lately. Not like Freddy Adams biking but more like normal people biking. I bike over to Palm Beach island and bike along the beach for about 6 miles till the island stops at the this dock that I like to jump off of. One the way back I like to stop at some random part of the beach and swim a little. It's nice because no one goes to the beach up there (mostly because it's all private beach stuff) and it's really relaxing, and really energizes me for the day.

As I was riding today I thought back to my freshman year when I walked 30 miles to church. If you don't know the story this next paragraph is for you, if you do, skip that paragraph and i'll meet you down there.

One of my friends Matt Von Herbulis, who is a brilliant man, and an avid adventurer and lover of life, decided that he wanted to walk from Orlando, where he is from, to West Palm Beach to school at the end of winter break. He wanted to do this because Matt has a heart of gold and loves homeless people and wants to relate to them and experience God in a way many Americans don't understand. Well, just like anything else, he needed practice. At the time, him and I were going to a church in Boca Raton, just about 30 miles south of West Palm. So him and I decided that he would practice by leaving for church Saturday night and get there Sunday afternoon, and we could practice our street skills along the way. We left around 8 p.m. and walked until about 10 and then tried to find a place to sleep. We ended up sleeping next to a coin laundry and barely slept that night, due to other homeless people walking around, police sirens and being next to a busy street. The next day it was a billion degrees, or so it felt in my corduroy pants (terrible idea by the way) but we made it to the church around 3 p.m. after getting up at 6 a.m., exhausted and sunburned.

And were back. Well, one of the lessons I learned on that trip, besides walking in corduroy will chaff like no ones business and is a bad choice all around in Florida, is that when you slow life down, you get to catch a lot of things that you can learn from. As we walked along Dixie Hwy we discovered little things along the way, whether they be restaurants, funny signs, or cool murals. We had somehow found out how to slow down life, and enjoy it where we were. It was a bizarre feeling driving home and before I could point out that that was the coin laundry where we slept all night, it was gone. People were looking over their shoulder and squinting trying to see it as we drove by at 40 mph.

I feel like that is how we treat life. I know I have said it before but I feel this pressure from people and society ever time they ask what I want to do after I graduate. It is almost as if they are pushing me into my career and trying to get me right into the grind of "normal American life" and want me to be focused on what I'm going to do and what I want to accomplish and what kind of job I want and how much money I want to make and where I see myself in five years and....... What I really want to tell them is to just take it easy, relax, it'll be just fine. I want to focus on where I am right now, not where I'm going or what I will do. It's that kind of thinking that made me discontent with where I was. I become discontent and wasn't thankful for what was around me.
The heart of discontentment is a lack of thankfulness. This was my lesson this summer and me slowing down life. Enjoying life in the moment and the little things has been that lesson in action. I have been discontent because I just want to go outside and climb mountains and boulder and hike in the woods and camp, but I can't. I can't even surf cause the waves suck. To enjoy life now I have just started doing the same active things outside here and being creative. Climbing really crappy walls with friends, biking on the beach and just sitting down and enjoying the beach and God's creation.

Slow down life and enjoy the moments you are living right now.

My 2 cents:

I have been loving the song "the great estate" by the freelance whales. It's about reincarnation but the music is incredible and the chorus is about as catchy as any katy perry song that we won't admit is stuck in our head.

Vivre dans l'amour et la paix,


Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Beastie Boys

I want this blog to be enjoyable. I don't want all my blogs to be super deep and heavy. Part of life is laughing and enjoying stories (which is one of my favorite past times of friends from home, just simply sitting around talking about stupid, yet totally awesome, stuff we did when we were in High School).

Any, this blog is really about Girls, but I thought that if I made that the title you would just roll your eyes back (like we did to our parents when we were 8 and they were making us brush our teeth, or 22 and having our mom still tell us this) and say "oh gosh, another boy blogging about girls". I didn't want that to happen because it's completely true. And by writing this paragraph I simply delayed that reaction until you read the first sentence.

If it makes you feel any better and makes you any more likely to read this, this blog is really about my roommates.

My roommates lives pretty much revolve around women. Not in the bad way like they are always dating one, but in the pathetic way like they are desperately trying to find one to like them to date them. If any news comes by the apartment about a girl liking one of them it turns into a sort of awkward celebration. The one that cracks me up the most is named Johnny Bananas (yes I had to use the song Hollaback girl to spell bananas, but who doesn't!) His real name is John Baggerman (facebook stalk him please) and he got the name Johnny Bananas because during Jersey shore a commercial told us to text a name this a certain number and they would give us a guido name for him, so we did. I don't know what bananas had to with his name but he is now Johnny Bananas, or JBB ((John+Baggerman+Bananas) but seriously, facebook him, it would be hilarious, and yes I double parenthesized that).

He gets the ladies left and right (mostly because freshman girls love upperclassmen, just kidding.... but really). But the kid deserves the attention he gets. He is just an overall cool kid. He loves him some Jesus, plays guitar (who doesn't at a Christian college) and is a pretty fashion savoy kid. The one thing that sticks him with the ladies though is that they for some reason find his paralyzing fear of introducing himself to women and talking to them cute. No really, this fear is serious.

Yet he always has girls following him around, and they always seem to be the ones he really isn't interested in. One of the reasons he is my favorite around the ladies is whenever he says he is going anywhere. I always just ranting about how he is going out to meet with some lady and he gets redder than Lindsey Lohan at..... well I probably shouldn't go there. Anyway. He just gets beat red and it cracks me up that a guy who wants a girl and talks about girls so much can't stand the thought of talking to an attractive women without freaking out.

Well that's all I have to say about the infamous JBB. Please talk to him randomly on facebook, call him Johnny Bananas and compliment his sweet dance moves.

Vivre dans l'amour et la paix,


Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Burning Bridges


This blog isn't so much inspired by a current event as much as it is me reflecting on one of the more important lessons I have learned in college.

I recently was sitting in on a discussion about the mosque in NY and how that is raising so much controversy and whatnot. The discussion was rather dull until someone tried to attack Muslims in general. Accusing them of takeovers and all having bombs strapped to their chest.

This is the sort of stuff that breaks my heart.

(stay with me for this rant in the next two paragraphs)

I think it is so easy to point the finger and forget to look in the mirror. We understand our view as right, therefore when we are examining another view, whether that be another religion, politics, favorite food, etc, we refuse to examine our own views in beliefs because it is almost assumed in our minds that's its right. For instance, I believe that many people few Muslims as terrorist that are after and hate America. This is true with some Muslims, a small minority of them. I think when we take that statement and step back, we begin to see the real picture and what's really going on, and through that, we can come to respect and understand, and not fear, Muslims.

Terrorism makes news, so we are going to see lots of news about radical Islamic terrorist, and not many about the other 3 billion that aren't doing these things. These few Muslims kill anyone who disagrees, they have attacked other Muslims (during Ramadan no less, which could lead you to argue that they don't really follow Islam at all), not just Americans. I believe saying all Muslims are like that is the equivalent to all Christians being like the Klu Klux Klan. Of course this outrages us, as it should, because they represent such a small, non-biblical, voice in the Christian world.

I say all this just to say that we step on to many toes. When we step back and see people for who they are, we can love as Christ did. Instead of harping on the differences between Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, Calvinist, Lutheran, whatever it maybe. How about focus on the fact that we all want to follow Jesus. We both want to love others and pray to God that loves us?

This applies to everyday life: Someone gets angry at you and insults you. The normal response is to be angry back or to retaliate or hold a grudge. Yet if we can pull back and see times when we were justifiably or unjustifiably angry at someone. Say you have a friend whose boyfriend cheats on her. She has every right to be angry, yet if she can pull back and see when she cheated on him, (Jesus said that to look at another lustfully is the same as adultery, it's just not in the publics eye, but worse, in our heart) and to forgive. This is no easy task and I will be the first to admit that I fail many times at doing this. But that is the kingdom of Heaven, and whether we understand it or not, usually every sunday we pray that "your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven". We are called to live out God's kingdom on earth.

This is how we are different, how we stand out, how we become salt and light. We love like people have never seen. We do this because we have seen this love in our Maker and live to imitate this to people who haven't seen it. It is not easy but from my experiences, it is incredibly rewarding both in my heart and in the relationships that have been mended.

My 2 cents:

Three Cups of Tea, by Greg Mortenson (book)

Vivre dans l'amour et la paix,


Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm Back?


So I think i'm going to be blogging again. Getting my thoughts out there for friends to see and maybe because I find it cathartic. I am aware that I haven't posted anything in years and if this is your primary way of listening in to my life, you have a lot of catching up to do. I won't recap the past few years partially because I wouldn't know how or where to start but mostly because that would be ridiculous.

Where to start then....

Well, I graduate in December. This is something that I have been looking forward to for some time now. I have longed to do something with my life. It has, in all honesty, been a very painful 2 years simply because I can't sit still. I love the classes I have taken and I have learned alot about God and Biblical living and life and relationships and about myself, don't get me wrong. Yet it kills me to sit in a classroom. I feel as if I am wasting life away. I would rather be on an adventure, living out of a backpack, traveling, experiencing new things, speaking to new people in foreign languages, climbing, mountaineering, helping people. I feel as if college has been 4 years to learn about stuff that hasn't really put you in a direction. As if it were preparing you nothing. As seniors in college my friends and I are constantly asked what we are going to do after we graduate, to which we all reply "I have no idea". Shouldn't college have directed us somewhere? I'm sure it has for a lot of people, but for people who don't know what they want to do, and the goal isn't to make money but to live a fulfilling and happy life, college is the definition to purgatory.

Yet, as I said earlier, college has not been a waste. I have met great people and experienced some really awesome things in my life and learned countless lessons on community and life with people. I have learned so much about the God of the Bible, a God who isn't Greek and emotionless, but a God who is relational, constantly with his creation, and deeply in love with idiots. I have studied the world, anthropology, Islam, the Qur'an, Ethnography and how to love other cultures. I have grown in my fascination with the world and the people in it (only spurring my passion to explore it). I have learned about the difficulties of bringing our faith to some cultures, bringing medicine to some cultures, and separating what is American and what is Jesus.

These lessons have caused me to love nature, and love the world around me. It has guided me to my current passions of climbing, slacklining, mountains, languages, and the middle-east. I love these things because the end result is relational. I could love business, and the end result be money, success, fame, power, or pride. Yet mountaineers and climbers are, as Lionel Terray calls them "Conquistadors of the useless". The end result is useless, you gain nothing material from it. The reward comes from learning about creation, about yourself, and experiencing great things with others. Although it can be done, climbing should not be done alone. To be done safely, you need other people, or at least one other: Community.

When I write I try and convey some sort of lesson or something that I have learned to anyone who would read it. I don't think I did with this one and I apologize for that. This blog is an intro back into writing and exposing my life, and so I decided to simply flesh out my thoughts on where I'm at right now.

I plan on leaving you with something to invest in after each blog. Whether that be a book, song, or movie, I will try and expose you to some of the things that have changed me in some way.

My 2 cents:

Movie: 180 degrees south

(you can find and get this movie via netflixs if you have it)

Vivre dans l'amour et la paix,


Il n'y a qu'un bonheur dans la vie, c'est d'aimer et d'être aimé.